Monday, July 20, 2009

Toronto -- game 3


Beautiful day to watch a game. Blah, blah, blah.

Lester gets squeezed by the home plate umpire and issues two walks. The immortal Rod Barajas dumps a two run double down the line and two runs score. Meanwhile, the Red Sox had scored one run on five hits and the outs went something like this --- Ortiz screaming line drive sac fly, Bay bomb to dead center with two on, Bay drive into the right center gap that gets run down. 2-1 lead by the Jays seems way more than that.

Halladay got stronger as the game progressed. He was as Eck says painting. I'm sure his price went up considerably yesterday. Nightmares of him going to the Yankees dancing like Elaine from Seinfeld in my head.

I did catch my first foul ball ever at a major league game yesterday. Our seats 25 rows behind home plate were in prime territory. The Rogers Centre has a low scrren which makes things knd of dangerous. My wife and I kept reminding our gilrs to be aware. Bottom of the sixth, Alex Rios up and he fouls one straight back. My eldest daughter and wife were on the concourse getting lemonade. Ball seemed like it was heading right towards my eight year old. I just stuck out the hand and the ball found its way there.

Still. losing two out of three to the Jays is not good. Believe me it is not panic time but the offense is becoming a great cause for concern. More on this later.

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