Monday, July 28, 2008

Game 3 observations ...

  • Daily Manny Moment -- interesting negotiating strategy. Bad mouth the owner and then say you'll play in Iraq next year if need be. I know this has been analyzed to death over the past week but the bottom line is the guy has been getting paid $20 million a year for the past 8 years. He owes it to his employer and the people that go to watch him perform to play.

  • A No Rain Rain Delay --Super Doppler 5,000,000 predicted rain for the start of the game, the problem is it never rained after 7:30 PM last night in Boston. Granted it poured from about 6:00 PM to 7:15 PM but nothing after that

  • Johnny B. Good -- Lester looks like he has put IT together. He is throwing strikes and challenging hitters. Beckett, Dice K and Lester have been very consistent this year. Too bad some imbecile fans wanted to trade Lester earlier ;)

  • Papi's Swinging It -- The off time dealing with the wrist has helped that gimpy knee heal. That was an absolute laser he hit last night.

  • My Most Hated T Shirt -- A recent article called for Sox fans to stop the "Yankees Suck" chant. I will not jump on that bandwagon just yet (30 years of "1918" chants still ring in my head). I will like to start a movement to halt the making on wearing of the T-shirts that say; "I root for two teams. The Red Sox and anyone who beats the Yankees." I get it, really I do. However, this is idiotic. Do I root against the Yankees? Yes and no, you know? I won't root for the Rays to beat the Yankees when the Sox are chasing the Rays. What member of Red Sox Nation would? The teams fans root against, other than there team's opponent or a team ahead of them in the standings, are the ones who win all the time. Like Notre Dame football back in the day, the Patriots, or Duke men's basketball. These shirts make no sense in this millennium.

  • Bertucci's Comes Through -- My new favorite pregame meal is Bertucci's. My daughter and I went last night and it was outstanding. A little pricey but portions were generous. Good stuff.


Josh Walsh said...


It's been awhile. Once again you and I disagree on the Sox. This time on the "Yankees Suck" chant. To me it just gives the Yankees props for being, well, 26 time Word Champs. I'd rather just ignore it. Also, I will "accept" a Yankees win over the Rays if we are chasing the Rays for first place in the division, or a wild card spot.

I was reading your profile and you'll be happy to know that I received the "Tek V. Arod" framed picture as a gift recently. By far my favorite piece in Man Town!

Phil Orbe said...

Josh -- Good to hear from you. You are a way better man than me concerning the "Yankees suck" chant. Personally, I don't join in on the chant but then again I would not support banning it. Someday I'll grow up!

I'm glad you are on board with the Tek picture -- classic!