Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Pedroia Paranoia

Is this guy for real? Ok, he wins the Rookie of the Year while batting over .300 with eight homers and fifty rbi's. Ok, he is the definition of the word scrappy. Ok, he enjoyed a great postseason (HR in Game 7 of the ALCS and leadoff HR in Game 1 of the World Series). But the facts are; he is currently no taller than I was when I was first able to enjoy the rides at Rocky Point, he is slow enough to time by a sun dial, and his upper cut swing looks better suited for the slow pitch softball league (no offense to slow pitch softball) at Camp Oakdale.

How does this guy do it? I'll tell you what it is -- he has IT? IT is that thing you cannot but your finger on. IT is intangable. IT defies the odds. IT makes girls wear "I'm Lustin' for Dustin" T-shirts. Please do not try and explain IT, just accept IT. Sophomore slump? Nope! The Guy With IT is leading the league with a batting average of .364 and 11 doubles.

Personally, I know he has arrived because Yankee fans absolutely hate him. I'm sure this has nothing to do with the fact that Robbie "future batting champ" Cano is batting .173 Pedroia is all ours and the Nation is crazy with Pedroia Paranoia.

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