Saturday, May 31, 2008

Pride of the Yankees or Much Ado About Nothing?

News item --- With the closing of the Yankee Stadium, The New York Yankees are hosting the All Star Game this year. A promotion during the Home Run Derby would award a fan a new car and season tickets to any team.

We have seen these types of things before; halftime a guy kicking a field goal, some out of shape YMCA player takes a half court shot, a slap shot through a hole no bigger than the puck in hockey. I always find myself rooting for the person to make it big.

This Home Run Derby promotion has a lucky fan picking a spot in the stands for a player to try and hit a home run. This is to be done in reference to Babe Ruth's ( historically disputed) called home run in the 1932 World Series. Sounds like a great way to honor the "House that Ruth Built".

However, the Yankees (when people say this who exactly are they referring to?) are upset because the player chosen to attempt to call his shot is none other than David Ortiz. They feel that it should be a Yankee that "represents" their icon at Yankee Stadium.

My thinking is that the Boys in the Bronx need to realize they are not the top dogs anymore. Ortiz is one of the most popular players in the game, represents the cultural diversity of the game and has a body that is similar to Ruth's. Matt Stairs could probably do the best impersonation but I'm sure the Yanks wouldn't want a Canadian either.

ARod? --- I'm sure he is playing P Diddy and will be too busy hosting parties.
Giambi? -- I don't remember the Babe with a porn star moustache. The only shot I really think he can call with confidence would be the one that Debbie Clemens received in the buttocks.
Jeter? -- Come on. It is a home run promo not an E Television show entitled, "Mariah, this is what you could have had"
Shelly Duncan? -- funny.
Damon? -- There's an idea.

I propose we have Johnny Damon do it. Exactly what MLB needs. We should change the logo to have Damon's image trying to throw a baseball.

By the way, Ruth hit that home run at Wrigley Field.


Anonymous said...

Unbelievable! If this was Fenway Park or any other iconic ball park, the fans would want the home team to represent. Leave it to a Red Sox fan to say something so stupid and make a comment like "not the top dog anymore." How about the winningest team in ALL of sports. A-rod should be our representative for this All-star event, not some DH hitting less than .300

Phil Orbe said...

YG ... are you saying that the Yankee's are the top dog?

By the way your team is not the "winningest team in ALL of sports". UNC women's soccer, for one example has won far more in a shorter time than the Yanks.
Janet Jackson once had a hit song -- "What Have You Done for me Lately"

Why do you think ARod is not well liked even in his own clubhouse? He is simple not a good guy. While Ortiz is universally loved. Even Yankee fans like him and hate ARod